by Austin Repath
Camino de Santiago, June 2011 by Fresco Tours (Flickr.com/CCby2.0)

Three times, Austin Repath has walked the ancient pilgrim's route, El Camino de Santiago, in Spain.
During these pilgrimages, he began mapping the inner landscape of the soul as it traverses the joyful heights and dark valleys of the human journey.
The Pilgrim Cards are the result of that exploration.
The Pilgrim Cards are a superb, creative resource for anyone desiring spiritual depth and growth. These reflections draw one inward with ease and clarity. Each card resonates with a part of the human heart that seeks integrity, strength, hope and resiliency. I highly recommend this set of cards for every pilgrim who has known the ups and downs of life's journey.
- Joyce Rupp, Award winning author of 20+ books
(Her latest book is called Boundless Compassion.)
The Cards

The Pilgrim Cards are a boxed set of 54 cards, each one describing a different reflection on life's journey.
Kindly Respond By Aug 21, 2023
Sample Cards
(Actual cards are black + white. No photos are included.)

How to Use the
Pilgrim Cards
"Think of using your cards as a way to tap into your inner wisdom. Let them suggest new directions, offer an understanding of where you are and where you are heading.
When you arrive at a place in your life where the way ahead is unclear, or things seem hopeless, choose a card that speaks to you. Or pick one at random..."
How to Order
the Cards
To purchase a boxed set of Pilgrim Cards (54 cards),
send a cheque payable to "Austin Repath"
for $19.95 +$7.00 postage and handling to:
Austin Repath, c/o Reed Press, 252 Salem Ave, Suite 3,
Toronto ON M6H 3C7. Canada
Or purchase by credit card or PayPal by clicking below: